Search index schema

Property name Type Retrieve Search Filter Facet Sort
datasource string[] + +
project string[] +
type string + + +
combinedType string[] + +
combinedTypeTree string[] + +
leafType string + + +
additionalType string + +
identifier string +
@id string +
address(/addressLocality) object(string) + + +
address/postalCode object(string) + + +
address/(name/{de/en/fr/it}) object(string) + +
address/addressLine object(string) + +
address/streetAddress object(string) + +
geo GeographyPoint + +
geoDestination GeographyPoint + +
name/{de/en/fr/it} string + + +
description/{de/en/fr/it} string +
disambiguatingDescription/{de/en/fr/it} string + +
openingHours string + +
schedule(/byDay) object + +
schedule(/startDate) object + +
schedule(/endDate) object + +
schedule(/startTime) object + +
schedule(/endTime) object + +
image ImageObject +
tag string[] + +
campaignTag string[] + + +
profileTag string[] +
allTag string[] +
category string[] + +
categoryTree string[] + +
containedInPlace(/id) object + +
dataGovernance DataGovernance +
ouaId int +
time int + + + +
length double + + +
state string + + +
rating(/condition) object(int) + + +
rating(/difficulty) object(int) + + +
elevation(/ascent) object(int) + + + +
elevation(/descent) object(int) + + +
elevation(/minAltitude) object(int) + + +
elevation(/maxAltitude) object(int) + + +
season string[] + +
sourcePartner string[] + +
link Link[] +
recurredCount int + +
nextOccurrence dateTimeOffset + +
availableDataLanguage string[] +
created dateTime +
lastModified dateTime + +
hasReview string + +
location string + +
award string + +
action string[] + +


{de/en/fr/it} - means that this property is available on the different languages


Type definition object(string) for properties like address(/addressLocality) means that type of address is object and type of /addressLocality property is string.


The description in the response is obsolete and not officially retrievable anymore. it is only retrievable out of backward compatibility and contains the disambiguatingDescription.