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Name Type Description
organizer Organization
eventStatus string
startDate date-time
endDate date-time
eventAttendanceMode string Indicates whether it occurs 'Online', 'Offline', or a 'Mixed'.
eventSchedule Schedule[]
nextOccurrence date-time
minStartDate date-time Min start date of all schedules or startDate (used to query)
maxStartDate date-time Min end date of all schedules or endDate (used to query)
location PlaceMember
inLanguage string[] The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Format: ISO 639-1.
photo ImageObjectSimplex[]
priceInformation string Multilingual. Offer price text field - extension Guidle. Can contain HTML
ticketingContact string Multilingual. Ticketing contact details - extension Guidle. Can contain HTML
openingHours string Multilingual. Opening hours text field - extension Guidle. Can contain HTML
category CategorySimplex[]
containedInPlace PlaceSimplex[]
tag TagSimplex[]
campaignTag TagSimplex[]
profileTag TagSimplex[]
duration string
audio AudioObjectSimplex[]
video VideoObjectSimplex[]
robots string Based on the same values that used in the Robots Meta Tag as defined by Google
subEvent EventSimplex[] Events that is part of this event.
superEvent EventSimplex
@id string A unique json-ld identifier for the vertex, represented as a Infocenter API url.
identifier string
removed boolean
dataGovernance DataGovernance
additionalProperty PropertyValue[]
attachment MediaObjectSimplex[] Attachments to the event delivering more information
lastModified date-time
availableDataLanguage string[] List of languages in which data of the object is available. Format: ISO 639-1.
autoTranslatedData boolean Indicates if one of the text properties was translated by machine.
license string
typeName string Translated name of type.
alternateName string
description string Multilingual. It is automatically translated if the description is not provided in all languages. Translated text is trimmed to 9000 symbols. Can contain HTML
disambiguatingDescription string Multilingual. Can contain HTML
image ImageObjectSimplex
sameAs string
url string URL of the item
additionalType string Name of the 'real', more descriptive class which has no additional properties. Examples are,,
link Link[] Web-links and general links between things
potentialAction Action[]
name string Multilingual. Can contain HTML
type string